Dear Parishioners and Friends of St. Patrick’s,
“Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.” (Philippians 4.6-7)
Grace and peace. It is with mixed feelings and much emotion that I write to say that I have submitted my resignation as your rector effective on April 11th and that my last Sunday with you will be March 27th. I will begin as Rector of Christ Church, Bronxville, New York on May 8. Looking back on our twelve years together, I cannot possibly express my gratitude for the opportunity to serve here at St. Patrick’s.
This decision was not an easy one. I prayed many long hours and conferred with my family and, in that discernment, I heard God calling me to be open to new opportunities. I then began exploring openings that would present new challenges for me as a priest and would be good for our family. Let me be clear: not better, but different ways to grow in ministry. Jennifer and I are so thankful for the many ways that you have enriched our lives, and we ask for your prayers that Christ Church in Bronxville will bless us as well.
Following a new call and moving from a church leaves some things unresolved which is certainly the case as we emerge from the pandemic. However, I feel that St. Patrick’s is in a strong position, with able leaders, who will help discern the gifts and skills needed in the ninth rector of St. Patrick’s. These leaders will need you to step forward as participants in that process and as volunteers in maintaining our many ministries.
I must thank the amazing staff at St. Patrick’s. Our church team is anchored by the music ministry of Dr. Adele Lynch, the administration of Mary Beth Howard, and, of course, the Rev. Ed Thornley, the Rev. Dr. Lisa Barrowclough, and seminarian Laura Natta, my clergy colleagues. They are supported by bookkeeper Elysha King and Sunday Sexton Sergio Soriano. The Day School is also in able hands as they transition from the leadership of Head of School Peter Barrett to Jalene Spain Thomas in July of this year. I ask that you continue to support all of these gifted people and the entire St. Patrick’s team in their ministries.
I know that God called me to serve St. Patrick’s as your rector and that serving here will always be a highlight of my ministry. During my tenure, we have reorganized our parish life while strengthening relationships in outreach. We have adapted to what is the new reality in churches. On a personal level, you welcomed Jennifer into this parish when we got married and then, two years later, welcomed our daughter Esther. I cannot imagine my life without you in it. You will always be my friends even as I cease being your priest.
Over the next month, I will continue to serve as your priest and pastor. I hope that we can connect in-person, by phone, or virtually and take time to share what has meant so much to us and what we hope for our future. The grief of saying goodbye is one way God uses to help us to grow into where we need to be next.
The Wardens and Vestry along with Bishop Mariann and her diocesan staff are already preparing for the process to choose my successor. The steps will commence before my departure as a sign that God is already at work.
May God’s blessing be with you,
The Rev. Dr. Kurt Gerhard

I am experiencing many emotions about Kurt’s departure, and I am sure many of you are as well. I am very sad to see Kurt leave and will miss him, Jennifer and Esther very much. But while I am grieving, I am also very happy for the life that awaits them in their new church and community. Christ Church is very lucky to have Kurt’s leadership and the Gerhard family.
In my almost nine years at St. Patrick’s, Kurt has been a wonderful teacher and preacher, making the scripture accessible and relatable through personal stories. He has led us tirelessly in serving our community locally and abroad. He has connected with our youth, from being silly with our youngest to challenging our older children to think about how they apply their faith to their world. He has been an incredible mentor to our seminarians, developing programs that allow them to learn and grow through practical experience. He has been present for our sorrows and celebrated our joys. He has strengthened our financial management and the administration of our Church, and he is leaving us in a better place than where he found us. Maybe most importantly, he led our staff in such a way that he is beloved.
So, what does this mean for St. Patrick’s? Some of you have been through a transition like this before, but the Diocese has streamlined the process quite a bit so it will be different this time. Perhaps the biggest change is that the Vestry will do the work rather than a search committee. While we were surprised to learn this, your Vestry is ready to get to work.
We have a meeting scheduled with the Rev. Dr. Robert Phillips from the Diocese for this Tuesday, March 1st, to discuss the process. Then we will have a Town Hall with the Parish on March 20th following our joint service with St. Patrick’s Whitehead. While the timing may not be ideal, this is the best date given everyone’s schedule.
We have a period of discernment ahead of us to collectively determine who we are now as a Parish, where we see ourselves in the coming years, and what kind of leader and Rector we think we need to help us get there. The process will involve Parish input, most likely through a survey and in person meetings, and three specific steps for the Vestry in conjunction with the Diocese:
- A financial review,
- Parish vitality assessment,
- And an Office of Transition Ministry Profile.
It can take up to six months to complete this process but once we do, we will be ready to post our profile and accept applications. In the meantime, we have supply clergy scheduled through the beginning of May and we will work with the Diocese to identify an Interim Rector.
I am grateful to have such an incredible staff and Vestry to work with during this time, and I deeply appreciate this community and how we pull together. I have no doubt that we will be thoughtful, efficient, and successful in calling the ninth Rector of St. Patrick’s.
In Christ,
Jo Anne Nelson
Senior Warden