We offer education for adults throughout the year. In the past couple of years, we have made sense of the Bible, discussed racism in the 21st Century, taken the Bible Challenge, studied the life and ministry of Paul, developed a rule of life, and looked at the Holy Land from the perspective of the Bible.  

Throughout the year, the clergy and seminarians offer formation classes that are scheduled either on Sunday morning or on an evening during the week. Check out our newsletter or events page for upcoming classes.

We hope that every member of St. Patrick’s will participate in a class offering at least once a year, and join a group or become involved with one or more of our ministries.

This informal Bible study meets from 9:30 a.m. until 11 a.m. every Wednesday morning. The group reads the Gospel for the coming Sunday and uses a friendly format for reflection and discussion. All are welcome. Neither preparation nor regular attendance are required. At 11am, a service of Holy Eucharist and Healing is held in the All Saints’ chapel.

Usually quarterly, senior members of St. Patrick’s (self-defined) gather for a lunch in the Church Library. The group is joined by the clergy and other special guests for fellowship and support. Follow This Week at St. Patrick’s for more information. 

During the next 8 Sundays, beginning January 28th and finishing on March 17th, and meeting at 9:15 before the 10am service, Andrew will offer a class for anyone interested in learning about what it means to be a Christian and what it means to be a Disciple. Together, we will read two very SHORT books by Rowan Williams:,  Being Christian  and Being Disciples. (Please order them on your own) Each short chapter has 2-3 questions, which we can use to center our discussions together. The class is open to everyone, and particularly to folks who have been drawn to St. Patrick’s with or without a Christian or Episcopal background. Those wishing to be confirmed or baptized, please reach out to Andrew. The Confirmation service will be on May 11th at the National Cathedral. To RSVP, please email Andrew: rector@stpatrickschurchdc.org

“Worship engages our deepest human needs and has the power to transform our lives. Join the Brothers of SSJE in exploring the signs and symbols at the heart of Christian worship.”

Beginning on Tuesday, February 20th, and continuing through March 19th, we will explore our sacramental life together, better understanding the symbols of light, water, food, shelter and community, and what and how they have the potential to draw us more deeply into.

We will offer a simple meal of soup and salad, meeting in the library. If you cannot attend in person, we will have a zoom link available. The evening will consist of a meal together, a short 15 min video, and discussion questions, and a short time of prayer to close. Please RSVP to the office or to Andrew +