Everyone is Welcome

This is not a slogan, this is who we are. Everyone is welcome at St. Patrick’s. We don’t do background checks, no recommedations are necessary, and you don’t have to sign a declaration of faith. We are a parish of people who are seeking to find God, at different places along the way. We support each other, we study, we ask questions. Together, we grow in faith and spirit.

Join Us!

Yes, you. We encourage people to hang out for a while and, when you are ready, join us. It is easy, but you should pray about it and make sure that you are willing to take on the responsibility of being a parishioner of St. Patrick’s. We have three expectations of members:

We believe that worship, especially the Eucharist, is at the center of our parish life. Parishioners are asked to attend one of our Sunday worship services as often as possible. Consistent Sunday presence will provide great spiritual benefit.

When we worship, we seek solace, strength, pardon, and renewal. We also build relationships with others on the path of faith and those relationships are the way the Holy Spirit lifts us up. Find out about when we worship and join us.

At the end of worship, we are sent forth with these or similar words: “Go in peace to love and serve the Lord!” Worship gives us something deeply renewing that inspires us to serve. With that kind of call, parishioners are expected to do something for God.

There are plenty of ways to participate in the life of St. Patrick’s: responding to a social concern, organizing a program, attending Bible study or a prayer group, helping make our worship meaningful, taking a leadership position, and other service beyond the walls of St. Patrick’s. Participation calls us to evaluate our gifts and then offer them to the community. Find out more about our ministries and how you can participate.

We are called to share our gifts and blessings to support the mission of God’s Church. The services we provide, as a church and community, is a direct reflection of the engagement of our congregation. Therefore, we ask all members to participate in making a pledge—an estimate of your giving—to support our work.

The Bible says that a tithe (10%) is an appropriate offering. We hope that everyone will give meaningfully so that St. Patrick’s can better fulfill God’s mission. No matter the level of contribution, your pledge to the life and ministries of this parish makes a difference. Since 1911, contributions of parishioners have made all the ministries we now enjoy possible and we are responsible for passing this legacy to the next generation. Make your annual pledge commitment to St. Patrick’s today.