Remembering & Welcoming

Grace and peace. I really think that St. Patrick’s does Halloween better than any church I know. This past Sunday, the musical offerings and the wonderful costumes added so much to our worship life. This Sunday is All Saints. We will remember those who have died in the past year with the reading of the names and a video tribute. Please send information to Mary Beth at by Friday. The Cantoris Choir will lead our music which is always some of the best of the year. It is customary to celebrate baptism on All Saints Sunday. This year, Carter Cameron Foote will be baptized. CC is the daughter of Gina and George. Her brother Emerson was baptized here on All Saints Sunday in 2018. I can’t wait to welcome her to the family. 

This past Sunday was the beginning of our 2022 Gifts of Love Stewardship Campaign. I hope that you received the mailing at the end of last week. This past Sunday, I preached about the Gifts of Love and JoLynne Hough offered a testimonial about St. Patrick’s. If you missed it, please watch them online. Nearly 90% of our annual income is from your pledges. Our goal is to collect all pledges by November 21. Please send the card back to St. Patrick’s, bring it to church, or pledge online.

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This Week at St. Patrick’s

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