Thank You for Your Thoughtful Participation

The Vestry and I are very thankful to you all for your participation in the discernment process in recent weeks. In addition to your thoughtful comments at our two town halls and the presentation on the 7 Vital Signs of Parish Health, we received 58 unique responses to our parish survey. Your input is vital to the search process for the next rector, as your Vestry will take into account your comments and survey responses as they prepare our Parish Profile. 

While it will take a while to compile all of this data into a report, we wanted to share with you some of our initial findings.

Skills We Want in a Rector
Respondents to the survey were asked to rank the top 6 attributes they want in the next rector (out of 18 named options, with the ability to offer suggestions). From that, we were able to ascertain the top 4 skills that the parish would like in the next rector:

Our Mission Statement
As part of the survey, parishioners were asked to read our current mission statement and give us their assessment. While we have room to refine it, the good news is that 84.2% of you believe that our current mission statement almost completely or mostly expresses who we are and who we want to be!

Stay tuned in the coming weeks as we will share more soon.

All the best,

This Week at St. Patrick’s

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